

How to prepare for your Family Report Interview

How to prepare for your Family Report Interview

Family law matters can be complex and emotionally charged, especially when children are involved. One of the key aspects of family law proceedings in Australia is the Family Report Interview.

This is a process where a Family Consultant, appointed by the Court, meets with the family members to assess the dynamics and relationships within the family. The consultant then prepares a report which makes recommendations to the Court as to what the report writer considers to be in the children’s best interests following the separation of their parents. It is a key piece of evidence that the Court will consider in a parenting matter.

Understanding the process and adequately preparing for the Family Report Interview can make a significant difference in your case. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  1. Understand the Purpose of the Interview: The primary purpose of the Family Report Interview is to provide the court with an independent assessment of the family dynamics, the relationships between the parents and the children, and the children’s needs. The consultant will also consider the parents’ ability to meet these needs.
  2. Dress appropriately for the interview: It is important to create a good first impression with the Report writer. One of the best ways to ensure this is to be punctual, and to dress appropriately for the interview. We recommend a smart casual look. Make sure that your child/children are also dressed appropriately. If you have a legal representative, make sure that you discuss with them where the interview is being held so that you arrive with plenty of time.
  3. Bring entertainment and food for the children: Family Report interviews are an all-day affair. This is because the report writer will need to have separate interviews with the parents, the children as well as observe the children with the parents. Additionally, if one of the parents has a new partner, then the report writer may also request to interview the new partner as well.
  4. Know What to Expect: The Family Report interview typically involves individual interviews with each parent, interviews with the children, and observations of the interactions between the parents and the children. The consultant may also speak with other significant people in the children’s lives, such as grandparents or teachers. The family report writer will also ask you what arrangement you consider to be in the children’s best interests and the practicalities of your proposed arrangement. The report writer will also ask you about your ex-partner’s [proposed arrangement and why you disagree with it.
  5. Prepare Your Thoughts: It’s essential to think about what you want to say during your interview. Focus on your children’s needs and how you can meet them. Be prepared to discuss any issues or concerns you have about the other parent’s ability to care for the children. However, avoid making unfounded accusations or negative comments about the other parent.
  6. Be Honest and Open: Honesty is crucial during the Family Report Interview. The consultant is an experienced professional who can usually tell when someone is not being truthful. Being open and honest about your situation and your feelings can help the consultant make a fair and accurate assessment.
  7. Be conscious of your answers regarding your ex-partner: While it is important to be honest, if you appear to the report writer to be overly negative of your ex-partner, it can reflect poorly on you in the report. This is due to how it can be perceived as an inability to promote your ex-partner’s relationship with the children pr an as attempt to alienate your ex-partner from the children. With that in mind, while you should of course express any concerns you have, you should also try to mention positives about your ex-partner’s relationship with the children.
  8. Explain the Family Report interview to your children in an age-appropriate way: As mentioned above, the Report Writer will interview your children (depending on their age). It will be detrimental to your case if the Family Report Writer gets the impression that you have coached your children to say things. In discussing the report writer process with children beforehand, they should be encouraged to be honest and open with the report writer about their feelings and it should be made clear to them that there will be no ramifications for them in being completely truthful to the report writer.
  9. Stay Child-Focused: The court’s primary concern is the best interests of the children. Therefore, it’s important to stay focused on your children during the interview. Discuss their needs, their routines, their relationships with both parents, and any concerns you may have about their wellbeing.
  10. Be Respectful: It’s important to be respectful during the interview. This includes being respectful to the consultant, the other parent, and most importantly, your children. Remember, the consultant is there to help the court make decisions that are in the best interests of your children.
  11. Seek Legal Advice: If you’re unsure about any aspect of the Family Report interview, it’s a good idea to seek legal advice. A family lawyer can help you understand the process, prepare for the interview, and provide advice on how to present your case in the best possible light.

You should always get advice from the best family lawyers. Barker Evans provides expert family law advice, and we are located in the heart of Sydney CBD.

We have considerable experience in complex parenting matters involving Family Reports.

The family law team at Barker Evans understands the complexities of these cases and we are committed to protecting our clients’ interests. If you want advice from an expert family lawyer, please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 8379 1892 or info@barkerevans.com.au.